Settlement Financing

If you have settled cases, with attorney fees of more than $100,000 that you have not yet collected, we have a unique financing program to provide early access to these funds.

We can obtain for you financing that is paid back when you receive the funds.

Depending on the particulars we can often obtain a loan in the 60-80% loan to value (LTV) at significantly cheaper rates than traditional non-bank lenders.


  • $100,000 to $200,000,000+
  • LTV 60-80%
  • No personal guarantees
  • Secured by your cases
  • Repayment as you receive settlements


  • No restrictions on the use of funds
  • Large personal distributions allowed
  • Case costs
  • Refinance or restructure expensive debt
  • Marketing

Types of Cases

  • Mass torts, i.e., Roundup, Talc, 3M, CPAP, Essure, and any other mass tort
  • Class actions
  • Large single event
  • Any other significant cases
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